Monday, May 2, 2011

Colorado Trip

Lyle and I made a trip our to my parents over this last weekend.  We went out to visit and to see our puppy. Just so you guys know Dixie is getting so stinking big.  Mom told me she is house trained 100% :)  She running and plays with my moms little puppy.  It was a great visit with my Parents.  They actually were in Utah buying a trailer when I called them Thursday to tell them that we wanted to come out and visit. So they headed home Friday so we traveled together.  It was a nice trip out we went in the middle of the day Friday and we didn't rush so it was kinda a nice drive.  We went out all day Saturday and took my parents and little brother bowling.. That was way fun, My parents used to bowl on a team, so it was nice to bowl with them.  My dad taught me how to bowl by using the arrows and not looking at the bowling pins.  I did pretty good after that. :)  We went shopping all day with my parents to buy stuff to put in the trailer they bought.  Then we got home and my dad and Lyle cooked steaks, they tasted so good. We didn't end up leaving my parents house until after 9:00 pm so it put us home at about 12:30-1:00 so we drove all night.  :) We really enjoyed the visit this weekend.  Our next trip will be to Florida and I cant wait.. Lyle and I are both very excited and think about the Florida trip a lot.  We are working 2-3 extra shifts a week to get money saved up for the trip and boy is that a lot but we are used to it because we have been doing it for like 3 months.  :)  We can fight through the extra shifts because we think about the fun times we will be having in Florida and then the fun times in Utah with his brother.  :)

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