Monday, August 1, 2011


I am ready to admit I am a slacker when it comes to blogging. I think if we had a computer at home I would do much better.  But we don't so therefore I am the worst blogger out there, I leave out so much.  Well right know in life Lyle and I are focused on planning our wedding. We are very excited to get married in Florida but at the same time I am stressing about planning the wedding because its so far away.  Its hard to set up things when you are over 2200 miles away from where your wedding is going to be. But I wouldn't have it any different.  We are so excited, actually sometimes I start to think Lyle is way more excited than me.  Like the last couple weekends on our days off he has been getting onto me to go look for a dress... LOL He has been bugging me and bugging me so we went both last weekend and the weekend before that, and well this last weekend we FOUND me a dress in our price range and I love it.. Honestly its exactly what I was hoping to find. I love it so much. I don't know if I should be putting pictures of it up yet because my goodness our wedding is like 9 months away still... BUT I JUST LOVE IT!!!  I am just hoping to stay the same size until the wedding gets here. Because I would be so sad if the dress didn't fit me come the wedding.  But that is a great motivation to stay healthy and keep exercising.. RIGHT?!?!  Well we also have all the stuff for the invitations, except the pictures... :(  But we are working on that and excited to start working on the invitations just to get them put together and set aside to kinda get what we need all finished as soon as we can.  Lyle is trying to push and get everything done that we can do early and just set it aside until we need it. lol So our wedding plans are kinda coming together. Its been tough keeping to our small/tight budget but oh boy is it going to be worth it.  I cant wait to be married to my best friend!  He is amazing and I just love him so much.  Don't get me wrong we have our days.. but He is still the best Fiance ever!!  I love him so much and he means the world to me.  WE work hard for all we have and that's worth my love and forever with him. 

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